Guideline for doing Business with Customers inside & outside of EU Countries   

You are a Company inside the EU

You are a company registered inside the EU - so You enjoy the total liberty of buying goods within the EU.

Some products like Chemicals, Poisons, Animals, etc. may be subject of more strict legislation in Your country compared with the legislation of the country of the seller. Please make inquiries at Your responsible customs office.

Duty there is no duty or additional charges at all. It does not matter if pick up the goods personally, or if the goods are sent to You by forwarder or parcel service.
Value Added Tax (VAT) You dont have to pay V.A.T. to us - but only if You send us a valid VAT Number. This VAT Number has to be checked by us with our VAT office - and will have to fit EXACTLY to the Company Name & Adress. If the VAT office does not confirm the validity of the VAT Number, we will have to charge You our local V.A.T.  Because this V.A.T. is charged over here in Austria, You will not get it back from Your local revenue office.

If You remit us the VAT Number or not, is Your decision. If You want to buy goods within the EU without V.A.T., You will have to make more work in Your accounting. (V.A.T. report, summary V.A.T. report, and more)

If You did not import any goods until now, it may be cheaper for You to accept an invoice with VAT, even if You can not get back this V.A.T. to avoid all this.

More Information can be received from Your local tax office or tax adviser.

Sending the VAT Number :

Unfortunately we receive lots of wrong Company Names and Adresses.
The Company Name and Adress have to be stated EXACTLY like on the notice from Your revenue office. 
Your revenue office will be glad to inform You under what Name & Adress You are registered.

If You dont have a VAT Number until now (this is NOT your Tax Number !!!) You will receive it from Your revenue office within 14 days.

The V.A.T. number consists always of a two digit countrycode and continues with 8 to 12 digits. The Name "V.A.T" is not the same in each country, for instance "P.IVA" in Italy or "MOMS" in sweden.

More Information how a V.A.T. number will look like in different Countries.

Check if Your V.A.T. Number is valid OnLine (this checks only the number, not if the V.A.T. will fit to Your Company Name & Adress)

Since we will have to check Your V.A.T. with the V.A.T. office, we will charge You EUR 7,- service fee for that.
(not only that we will have to check Your V.A.T. Number, we will have to put You in our Accounting System, make V.A.T. summary reports, etc.)

additional Charges acquisition tax. This is correspondent to Your local V.A.T., but can be deducted on Your V.A.T. bill. This have to be stated on Your V.A.T. reports to Your revenue office. More Information can be received from Your local tax office or tax adviser.
Invoice You will receive an Invoice without V.A.T. (only if You have a valid UID Number)
Payment If You pickup the goods You usually pay in cash - and thats it.

If the goods will be sent, You usually pay in advance through Your bank-account, or You pay by Credit Card.
Rotek only will accept Credit Card payments via PAYPAL if agreed in advance.
Please do not send us any Credit-Card details for security reasons.

1 July 2003 is the start of the EU cross-border payments, which will enable you to make euro transfers within the EU more efficiently and at lower cost. From this date, Banks will offer you the execution of incoming and outgoing payments within the EU at the price of domestic transfers.

More Information and our IBAN Accountnumbers can be found here.

Please only remit payments with Customercode, Invoicenumber, Ordernumber or other information you will receive from our sales or accounting department - otherwise we can not identify Your payment.


You are a private Person inside the EU

You are a private Person outside of the EU

You are a Company inside the EU

You are a Company outside of the EU

pay inside the EU with low cost

Rotek Handels GmbH, Handelsstraße 4, A-2201 Hagenbrunn