Guideline for Payments inside & outside of the EU 

Please only remit payments with Customercode, Invoicenumber, Ordernumber or other information You will receive from our sales or accounting department - otherwise we can not identify Your payment.

You are in Austria :

here we state our domestic Account Informations. But we recommend to use IBAN & BIC , because the Account Information can be checked by the Bank automatically, and will be transfered faster.

Account Number 14076
Bankleitzahl (Routing Code) 20227
Bankname Sparkasse Korneuburg
Beneficiary Rotek Handels GmbH
Handelsstrasse 4
A-2201 Hagenbrunn

You are in Germany :

here we state our domestic Account Informations. But we recommend to use IBAN & BIC , because the Account Information can be checked by the Bank automatically, and will be transfered faster.

Account Number 011962800
Bankleitzahl (Routing Code) 50070024
Bankname Deutsche Bank Frankfurt
Beneficiary Rotek Handels GmbH
Handelsstrasse 4
A-2201 Hagenbrunn

you are within the EU :

1 July 2003 was the start of the EU cross-border payments, which will enable you to make euro transfers within the EU more efficiently and at lower cost. From this date, Banks will offer you the execution of incoming and outgoing payments within the EU at the price of domestic transfers.

get more information about : IBAN & BIC and EU cross-border payments

IBAN AT142022700000014076 

Rotek Handels GmbH, Handelsstrasse 4, A-2201 Hagenbrunn, Tel : +43-2246-20791-0 Fax: +43-2246-20791-50